Wednesday 9 December 2015

Baby boomers and the new world of technology

Science & Technology is evolving at such a phenomenal pace, that it is almost overwhelming at times. If you’re not a ‘techie geek’ & you want to be up to speed, best you find yourself a ‘techie guru’ to guide you. Many baby boomers are resisting this new age.

Information is emerging every second on the Internet & we now have access to all the information we can ever dream of accessing in our lifetimes. Provided we have access to the Internet, there is no excuse today for anyone, at any stage in their lives, not to empower, educate, earn an income, inform or inspire themselves. Some say our lives run in sectors of 5 years, some say 10 years – I say every moment we are evolving, as long as we are aware – it’s that real.
 Some will never choose to embrace the new age of technology in their lifetime – that is their choice.  They would rather safely cling to the older order of things & what they think they know for sure … nothing to fear there or is there ? We baby boomers had to learn an entirely new language, which too is evolving by the second – it has changed the way we live & operate. Muso’s have had to realign their marketing strategies with new thinking & would be wise to employ ‘techie guru’s’ to keep themselves relevant & to monetize their craft. That’s just one industry that’s had to change their game. We can also access zillions of ways to make money online, with our creative gifts of writing, designing, music – it’s all a matter of choice. The art of old fashioned communication over a cuppa is almost taboo.  Now everyone’s Tweeting, SMS-ing, Emailing, Posting & Blogging on the Social Media, etc. - most times in a  strange lingo. Have we lost our identity in all of this ? It is what it is.  I believe if it is used intelligently, it can serve you & add value to your life, or it canconsume you & render you one of the zillions of ‘strangers in cyberspace’ having aconversation about things that don’t really matter in the scheme of things & everyday life What do you choose ?

By Heather de Wit

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